Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Visa oh Visa: Lika Liku Aplikasi Visa Schengen

Ketika saya memulai menulis ini waktu menunjukkan pukul 11.49pm. Kenapa juga harus maksa nulis jam segini? Ini semua karena janji yang sudah saya buat pada diri sendiri jika aplikasi visa schengen saya diterima maka saya akan menuliskan pengalaman saya tentang seluk beluk pervisaan ini dalam waktu 1x24 jam. hehehe.

Jadi, ya, hari ini 15 Agustus 2011 merupakan hari yang agak bersejarah buat saya karena hari ini saya tahu kalau visa schengen saya sudah diapprove. Sebetulnya di visa bisa dilihat tanggalnya adalah 11 Agustus 2011, tapi berhubung saya baru tahu hari ini hip hip horeeeeee. Saya merasa setiap orang pasti punya pengalaman yang unik dan mendebarkan dalam memperoleh visa schengen dan begitu juga dengan saya. Proses aplikasi visa schengen juga dikenal ribet, sulit, dengan dokumen yang banyak dan prosedur yang merepotkan, dan staf-staf yang tidak helpful. Saya sendiri apply untuk jangka waktu yang lumayan lama, 80 hari dan tanpa ada undangan atau surat sponsor dari teman di luar. Itulah sebabnya saya mau membaginya di sini.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Ramadhan di Negeri Panda


Menyambut bulan suci bulan Ramadhan maka kata sapaannya juga harus berbeda. Tulisan ini saya buat dalam rangka memperingati satu tahun pengalaman saya berpuasa di Cina, memang hanya 10 hari tapi cukup memberikan kesan yang tak terlupakan. Dari 10 hari ini, ada 3 hari dimana saya tidak berhasil menyelesaikan puasa saya dan menggunakan prinsip konservatisme saya anggap gagal dan harus saya bayar pasca Ramadhan.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

I want more FlashForward!

Finally, I just finished wathcing this series. After put on hold a year or so since I bought the DVD. First time I heard this series from my friend Raya, who seemed very excited about it. The stories is about a global blackout where at the same time all people in the world got blackout at the same amount of time 2 minutes and 17 seconds, and during the blackout all people have visions of their future 6 months later. The visions are not just some possible visions but its almost an exact prophecy of what will happen o them, and the vision can be compared and confirmed to each other. For example if A see B in his vision, B also see A in her vision. This vision is what they called "FlashForward"

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Journey to the rooftop of the world: NEPAL

The title is inspired by a movie "Journey to the center of the earth" Hehehehe, I was in between that and "Journey to the country with the coolest flag".  Yeah, its true, just in case you didn't know Nepal is the only contry in the world whose flag not in rectangular shape. Well, I don't know what's the name of the shape, I can say it has the shape of Christmast tree (consists of 2 triangles), red-color, with sun and the moon. Okay, you can just search image in the google I guess :)
This trip is part of my India trip I did May 2011. A little overview about the trip

When: 15-17 May 2011
Location: Nagarkot and Kathmandu, Nepal
Travel mate: Dian
Brief Itinerary:
15 May: Arrive at Kathmandu, go to Nagarkot, stay at Nagarkot
16 May: Back to Kathmandu, visit Swayambhunath (Monkey Temple) and Durbar Square
17 May: Fly back to India

Monday, July 11, 2011

Petualangan 4 anak muda di Jogja

Harap diingat. Judul di atas tidak misleading lho, karena ini merupakan pengalaman saya dan teman-teman 3 tahun yang lalu, ya, 3 tahun alias tahun 2008. Ini merupakan trip perdana saya dengan gaya backpacker, walaupun salah satu teman saya Miko menggunakan koper, hueheheh, gak asik ya, tapi ini tetap merupakan pioneer trip yang akan menginspirasi saya untuk melakukan perjalana-perjalanan selanjutnya. Sedikit ringkasan mengenai trip ini
When: 3-7 July 2008
Location: Jogjakarta, Indonesia
Travel mates: Raya, Miko, Ona
Brief itenerary:
3 July: Depart from St. Gambir Jakarta
4 July: Arrive at Jogja early in the morning, tour around Jogja, Taman Sari, Keraton, Malioboro, Vederburg Fort
5 July: Boko Trekking, Candi Prambanan, watch Sendratari Ramayana (Ramayana Ballet) in VIP seat
6 July: Candi Mendut, Candi Borobdur, go home
7 July: Arrive at Jakarta

Sunday, July 10, 2011

How to obtain Visa for Indonesian: India and Nepal

Jumpa lagi.

Ceritanya saya mau berbagi semua pengalaman saya dalam mendapatkan visa di sini, tapi untuk episode pilot saya masukan dulu 2 negara ini; India dan Nepal, sebenarnya seumur hidup baru 4 kali pergi pake visa, hehehe, jadi memang belum terlalu banyak juga yang bisa dibagi.

Dalam tulisan saya ini saya akan memaparkan dokumen apa saja yang diperlukan, tata cara apply visa dan berbagai tips yang perting untuk diketahui. Di sini saya hanya menginformasikan untuk visa turis saja ya karena asumsinya mau jalan-jalan :)

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Singapore for dummies and their family

Well, well well, udah lama gak nulis pake bahasa Indonesia, kali ini pake bahasa Indonesia deh walaupun judulnya sok-sok pake english. Kali ini saya akan berbagi pengalaman liburan saya di bulan April kemarin bersama adik dan ibu saya.

Bermula dari iseng melihat tiket air asia Jakarta-Singapur yang cukup murah sekitar IDR 450 ribu pp maka saya memeli tiket tersebut untuk kami bertiga di bulan Agustus 2010. Ceritanya sih mau ngajak adik dan mamah saya yang memang belum pernah ke Singapur sebelumnya. Beli dulu, pikir belakangan, begitulah terkadang prinsip saya =D. Sahabat saya Dian juga mempunyai rencana yang sama dengan mengajak keluarganya juga jadi kita akan pergi bersama-sama

Thursday, June 30, 2011

The Wedding Crashers: Jaipur Hospitality

During my trip to India and Nepal on May 2011 ago, this one might be the most unexpected and precious experience one could hope for. I with some of new friends met at our hotel crashed on of Indian wedding!! I never crash a wedding in Indonesia, let alone, ate the foods, congratulated the bride and groom and had opportunity to be taken the picture together with the couples.

Monday, June 27, 2011

The Love Monument: Taj Mahal

I copied this article from the postcard book I bought at Indira Gandhi Airport. It's about the most famous building in India, Taj Mahal. One of those places which takes your breath away when you see it. So, mind your if the words might be a little too weird, it wasn't me.  So, here it goes...

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Love letter for a career break

Dear Boss,

I value my job and hope I'll be working here for years to come. But just now, I can feel I need an educational break. Some companies send employees to business school or to various workshops and corses. I'd like the education that comes from travel - and edification investment I plan to pay myself on an upcoming extended trip to Europe. I will make sure all pressing projects are completed before departing and help train any transition personnel you'd care to bring in.

However, if you would take me back upon my return, I believe the company will benefit from my experience. I know I can bring new value to the job: an international perspective, a familiarity with meeting people, more confidence and street smarts. And, with a long-time dream fulfilled, I think you'll find I'll have more focus and renewed energy for the tasks. On paper, it may not look as tidy as sending me to business school, but in real terms it will be more practical. And it will come at just a fraction of the cost with far less time away from the company.

Sincerely Yours,

Source: The Rough Guide to First Time Europe by Doug Lansky

Thursday, April 14, 2011

50 most exciting places on earth (misleading title, watchout!!) =D

Oraity, in this post I will make a list of those trips and journey which I've had in the past and which I intend to write about. Yes, I dearly indeed have the intention to write about those, all of them. I know it seems like a "janji-janji palsu", keep mentioning I will do it but at the same time keep proscatinating it, ahahaha, aren't we all? But with this list (yeaay, I love making list!!!) I am sure the reality will finally arrive, It's just I'm the kind of person who has to plan it all, I know, not cool, huh? But I feel like when I have all the things planned out, they will be closer to reality.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


I just thought it's so sweet that there is a compilation of what Imogen Heap's fans said about her in twitter. So, here you go.....

(written & inspired by fans via Twitter)*

“Imogen is an eccentric, innovative musician who blends aspects of the world
around her into a beautiful universe of song.” @Jack, founder Twitter